
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Free meals with RM1 coins

This is truely a wonderful or stupid thing that has had happen to me. I've practically saved up so much in just 1 day on meals that I've had starting working at my office. I've tried to use 5 pieces of RM1 coins to pay for lunch today and guess what?!?

The retailer informed me that they don't accept RM1 coins as payment with the following statement "I'll not accept the coins but the change as the payment for the whole meal which cost me RM7.50. Wow saved liked RM5 today. If this were to continue i will be able to save a lot. On the other hand, these business will start to lose out in their daily income OR will not entertain me when go there the next time...


kinda of an ironic situation isn't it?

The retailer then gave the reason which i find quite amusing. We're not going to the bank to exchange these coins. Come on, you're running a business and you think you'll be only accepting 2 miserable RM1 coins for this 3 months duration? I'm sure that they will be making trips to the bank or will be giving change out. So why the 'KIASU-ISM' when the government will accept for another 3 months.

Even banks are to accept coins exchange up to RM 500 without any ID reference, even so, if there's any suspected fraud cases, the depositor will be penalised not the bank, so why the hassle? Please enlighten me on this as I will keep experimenting with what I can get away with in the following days.

I would like to hear if you have similar experience so that i can SAVE more.. lol


  • At 1:53 PM, Blogger MaoBi said…

    As mentioned previously. Legal tender must be accepted for payment of debt. Refusal is actually against the law. Too bad the law is not enforced...


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